Animation notify

Hey yo. Im not sure if this is a bug or just me being stupid but I’m trying to get footsteps when character runs but the notify does not trigger. Anyone knows why?

Is the camera shake being called?

No, nothing is being called. I have a turn in place animation which for some reason shoots the footstep notify but that one only works when standing still.

Executing the animation via StateMachine or Montage? If State then (if you can), try tossing it into a montage and setup a notify there to see if you get different results. I’ve actually ran into this issue as well, I didn’t spend much time trying to pinpoint the culprit, but deploying a Montage ended up making more sense for my scenario anyhow which also resolved the notify problem.

But u cant have montages in a blendspsce, can u?

I fixed it. I retargete the animations I use so the notifies were already in the animations. I thought it would be fine to just call the notify but apparently I had to replace the notify with the same one so that it like updated to the correct one or something