How to set up 3d JFA? Lindquist, Brucks

I have been researching volumetrics for a bit and so far I’ve found a million ways to brute force pseudo textures and how to voxelize a skeletal mesh, but Ryan Brucks has me stumped with one small line of code.
on his site shaderbits he talks about how to generate distance fields. one method he uses is a 3d jump flood that essentially renders out a texture that can be used in a ray marcher to make a smoke simulator.

I cannot get the correct node hook up for this simple custom node and its making me furious.

Custom inputs are: Tex =TextureObject, UV0 = point sampled UV grid, UVW = EncodeVolumeCoordinates function, TextureSize=2D tex size, offsetmult = 2^ log2(VolumeSize) - PassIndex. XYFrames is from the psuedovolume layout of the volume.

the offsetmult i cannot figure out.

so any help would be appreciated.
