Is there a way to cast to Landscape Grass Types in blueprints?

As the title says, I am trying to cast to Landscape Grass Types to attempt to disable and re-enable the grass based on actor overlaps. Is this even possible?

Would like to know if this possible as well.

Hey, so I figured out a way to do this, However you cant use the Landscape Material to Procedurally Generate the Foliage because it doesn’t make Instances of the Foliage like the Foliage Painter does. So you have to either hand paint the foliage or use Foliage Procedurally Generated Actors in the world and use the Landscape Grass to apply foliage to certain areas based on the Landscape Layers. Then in your blueprint you have to use a Multi-box trace (or any ray trace node) to trace for anything “overlapping” the extents on your multi-box trace nodes. If you get a hit cast the “Hit component” against FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent Node and if it is successful then Delete the Instance or store it and save it for later or whatever you want to do with it.

I’m a bit new to blueprints, and i’m trying to expand what i can do with landscapes, so pardon my ignorance, but is that the whole screenshot? would knowing what those nodes are going to hemp me make more sense of this :)? it’s tantalizingly close to helping me out.

I’m a bit new to blueprints, and i’m trying to expand what i can do with landscapes, so pardon my ignorance, but is that the whole screenshot? would knowing what those nodes are going to hemp me make more sense of this :)? it’s tantalizingly close to really helping me out.