very strange bug: skeletal meshes wont render

This might be a bug or a strange new feature

im making an FPS game and after ive updated to 4.22.1 my fps arms and weapons take exactly 38 seconds to render in during runtime. But only in one particular map.

i reopened my 4.21.2 version of the project and everything is fine and ive tested all the different maps i have and the problem is persistent.

i hit play and and no weapons or hands are visible, after exactly 38 seconds ping! and they pop in.

ok i got it.

i had some level sequences placed around the map and one of them had ‘hide player’ ticked and its animated sequence was 38 seconds long.

so watch out for that one folks.

seems strange that it didnt have an effect in 4.21 but it does in 4.22