Struct within a struct

Hit There,

We seem to be experiencing an issue with setting default values when using nested structs.

When editing the default values for the parent struct, I use the dropdown in it to set the value of a integer in the child struct to 4.

I then create a variable in a blueprint of the parent struct type, after compiling, I look at the default values of the variable and find the integer I set is being shown as a random integer.

Just wondering if anyone could let me know what is going on here.


When i have a struct in a struct and change the values it works perfectly fine, made a small test. Is that the how your setup is?



The last image is the value in an actor after compile.

I’ll just chip since I use nested structs a lot (and I’m talking about several layers) and have never seen values reset or structs fail to retain their values.

Can you show an example of it misbehaving?