Landscape Runtime changes possible?

Hi there,

I have a blended landscape with displaced tessellated materials setup and functioning I am using in my project for craters and other impacts on the landscape via render target. Is it possible using either the render target or another method to “promote” a layer blend to the top (Ie; have a masked out but present ‘bedrock/crater texture’) (Dynamic Material Instance can do this)? - the landscape is deforming correctly (displaced not offset) and gets painted black but the textures; roads snow etc have strong reflective normal’s which give it away.

I think I may need to look into the rules around “splat maps” more, or use a second mesh at the maximum negative displacement for the crater texture. I would rather not use a decal or such as it’d waste the lovely tessellated detail (Which as an unexpected side effect of such displacement past their norm (+100 to -100) become really “rough” up close which is perfect! But the normal map texture is not, esp when zoomed out and tessellation is “culled”? by LOD which I’d rather not change. - advice most welcome. Screenshot - d4f385da5c173141c6a0f83aa6a098c0 - Gyazo Screenshot - b796a46d34375b099c87e8816cfaba9e - Gyazo

Solved using lerps on my render target opacity mask to “unmask” a crater texture color;normal; & tess for the depth displacement

Carry on tinkering! Cheers