Collision detect without event


It is possible detect colison between capsule my character and other static mesh (for example tree) but without event, I want check collision all time? I mean similar like Axis Mappings when execute way is all time active. Sry for bad language i hope you undarstand

You can hook these up to Tick:

but this can it use in character blueprint?

Why not give it a try?

Point it at a component you want to test against and you’re done.

Ok, I check when i back to home, but to use this funktion i still need make event for example “begin play” and this funktion make only one time right?

No, you said:

I mean similar like Axis Mappings when
execute way is all time active.

You hook it up to Tick and it will fire every frame, for example:


This will detect and return references of all actors of class ActorA that overlap with the Sphere. Depending what you’re doing with this, it can be quite expensive.

ok thx man i check this later, “it can be quite expensive” I was afraid of it, i need that becouse when I use begin and end overlap event and two object (boxs for example) are near, capsule the same time is begin and end overlap so that mean I must make very advance algoritm or maybe I am too noob becouse I just start learning :wink:

Not sure why you’d want to overlap with the capsule in the first place. But who knows what your plan is. Wouldn’t it be better to just add a collision sphere / box, allowing you to independently control overlaps rather then rely on the capsule blocking stuff?

Or perhaps describe what you’re trying to do, there’s probably a decent solution to what you’re trying to achieve. Hard to advise without knowing what you’re up to.

between capsule my character and other
static mesh (for example tree)

Why do you need it to happen?

When i Climb


and box2 is end my character drop down but i want continoue, event no generate beginoverlap for box1 becouse still in collision

Oh, for something like this you can definitely use the method I mentioned.

  • give the boxes tags - something like Climbable
  • use Get Overlapping Actor (singular) and check if there’s an actor with Climbable tag

Why is the capsule horizontal?

this is second capsule first is normal, i need this for check end wall before all character will “show up” from wall. Ok i will

google how use this tags thx for give some idea for solution. Ok i check this “is Overllaping Component” but not work still show false ;/

You’re not providing Other Component so it will always fail. Any static mesh can be given a tag (bottom):

And you can try it like this:

Completely untested but should work at a glance.

Have you watched any tutorials about climbing implementation? Had I known this questions would be about climbing I wouldn’t have responded - not an expert on this but the example I provided will work for reliably detecting collision every frame if that’s what you’re after.

it work thx, you help me a lot I will probaply spend a lot time find this solution :wink: