Is there any way to get montage anim time?

I’ve an AI that is using montage with separate Sections that play different attack animations. I would like to know how much time each sections take so I can trigger another attack after first one ended animation. I’m using behavior tree and task to pick sections, and I need a delay (time of the montage section) to end the task.

Anyone know how to do that?

Try putting a function like this in your class extending AnimInstance, and pass in the montage you want the total time of.

float UYourAnimInstance::MontageGetAllSequenceTimes(UAnimMontage* montage)
float time = 0.0;
TArray<UAnimSequence*> AnimationSequences;

    for (int32 i = 0; i < AnimationSequences.Num(); i++)
        UAnimSequence* seq =  Cast<UAnimSequence>(AnimationSequences[i]);
        time += seq->SequenceLength;

    return time;