Occlusion Culling and Material world position offset

Hi there.

I’m using Instanced static meshes in a BP and a shader on those meshes that generates a world position offset.
There seems to be an occlusion culling when turning the camera and I would like to bypass it.
I already tried to disable occlusion culling in the projet settings and changed the bounds value in the ISM detail panel, it didn’t worked.

Here is a video to show you the result : https://cl.ly/ecdf0b6cae68

Do you have an idea of what is happening and how to disable this?


The problem you are having is not due to the shaders but due to the meshes themselves. They only appear when the origin of the ISM is on screen. To solve this you can simply add a collision box to the mesh you are using (even if its disabled), then you can go to the mesh settings and add to the Positivie and Negative Bounds of the mesh (you can search on the details panel for it).

Just remember always that culling is not based on the actual visuals of and object but on its bounds, so giving the mesh you are using in you component bigger bounds will fix your issue without having to disable a reliable tool such as Oclusion Culling.

I would also recomend you to use Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh instead of ISM, so a part of your mesh can be culled without hiding the whole thing.

Hope it helps! Have a great day!


Hey Bariudol. Thank you for your answer, it works!
I’m actually using HISM.

Question, Is there a way to do this in Blueprints for the blueprint actor?
I’m using a bunch of cubes to create platforms and I wonder what I should do to save performances.

You can also increase the Bounds Scale in the StaticMesh details panel