Shop system

Hi guys i am new in game development but i start making an endless runner game. i would like to know how can i set up a shop system /when i click on shop button my shop widget coming up/ and how can i save my collected coins and add in the previous coins what i collected already . so when i start i have 0 but i collected 5 and i died and the next time when i played i collected 2 so after death i have 7. i hope you understand what i mean by this.

Load Action RPG Content Example and look in the Widget and Blueprint System, so you can create your own shop System and stuff like this.

could you link it here where can I find it?

Action RPG in Epic Content - UE Marketplace You can make cool stuff you can learn good things

Thank you

HI I’m trying to do the same thing and have looked at the action RPG example and still don’t get it. Did you manage to implement yours?