Spawning 1000s of sprites performance

Hi All,

Was hoping someone could help point me the right direction. The resources are creating procedure terrain via sprites seems non existent. I have managed to generate 400 tiles with perlin noise 2D. The problem is…400 sprites is showing as 60 fps (approx.). Seems really low from everything I read. Nothing is going on in the screen. I have tried both spawning paper 2d components as well as tried the grouped version of the same thing with similar performance. Disabling all collisions on the sprites also does nothing. I have also disabled smooth frame rate and unlocked any kind of cap.

Anyone have any tips to share? Also, my next text is for the terrain to dissolve around the player as they move. Once again I have not found any suitable blueprint resources on how to accomplish this (i.e. everything outside of a specific radius, destroy, anywhere there are no sprites spawn new ones from perlin 2d noise).

Any help would be appreciated. I have looked and read through everything I could find. For an idea what I am shooting for is a “factorio” style of game.

Thanks in advance.


Tired and drained