Move Component To - Not Rotating?

So I am trying to move the player to a specific location and rotation that I have placed on the map. For some reason, I can get the location but the player never rotates. Why is this?!

EDIT: Ok so I’m basically setting up a little cutscene where the player pulls this gun out of the wall. In order for the animation to sync, I need to move the player to a specific point and rotation. So here is what I have:

A Target Point in the level. THe level blueprint casts to an actor that gives a variable the Target Point transform.

When a player interacts with the actor, a “Move to Component” node is used with the variable above to give it the location and rotation of the target point. It moves the players capsule component to that location, which moves the player, but doesn’t rotate them. I also tried root component and camera.
[alt text][2]

The way I’d go about this is to get the Look At Rotation of the player to the Target Point and then use a set rotation to turn them toward it. Use a timeline to lerp between the starting rotation and the new rotation and then have the character move to the designated area.