No LeapFloatingHandsCharacter

Hello everybody,

I am really new to Unreal and also to any game programming. I used to programm Java up to now.
I am trying since weeks to start hand tracking with Leap Motion. I followed several tutorials. One of them was this: Hand Tracking | Gemini Is Here - Ultraleap documentation

But I always fail when the GameMode is created because I can not choose any LeapFloatingHandsCharacter and I do not understand why. I downloaded the zip file from here: GitHub - getnamo/leap-ue4: Leap Motion plugin for Unreal Engine 4 but there was no Binaries Folder like explained in the blog (first link). So I only copied the Plugin Folder but still I only get the Options you see in the picture.


I choose PlayerController. I also can use somehow the leap and see hands but I want to look at the hands like they were my own in front of my face. Instead I look at them as if they would belong to someone else standing in front of me. I do not understand that and do not know how I can solve this.

Can maybe anybody help me? If you need more information I will provide you but I did not know what is needed.

Thank you very much already. :slight_smile:

I forgot to write, that I of course enabled the plugin. :slight_smile: