How do I fix my character turning with a gun?

When I move my character left and right, my character also points in that direction with his gun. How would I go about fixing that so that he still aims straight just like in Left For Dead 2, Call of Duty, Battlefield and other first person shooter games?

Do you have any images, or video links to show what you’re describing?

If you mean that the entire character is rotating, instead of JUST the hands and weapon, search for “Aim Offset”

That is a tutorial from Epic that may help, if that’s what you’re talking about.

Ok thanks, Ill try to add an image or video. What I mean is that when I move left, right, forward or backward, my arms move in that direction AWAY from the center of the screen. Moving left makes his arms face left, moving right makes his arms face right, moving backwards makes his arms face right (not backward)also. It does this with or without a weapon in hands. Walking forward is not a problem though.

Ah, did you happen to start with the 3rd person template? If so you’ll have to fiddle with some of the controls.

Check “Orient player to movement” and a few others that make the character turn in the direction you’re moving.

Ok il check that.

Thanks, it worked. It was simple. All I had to do was set orient rotation to movement. The target would be character movement. This was in player character event graph.