Static Mesh replication

Hi all )
So i little stuck with it.
What i have: Let it be weapon (actor with static mesh component) and “OnUse” event to equip it.
After “OnUse” event launch my character spawn this weapon actor, get it’s static mesh data, “add static mesh component” to himself, and set there static mesh of weapon. Then function destroys weapon actor, because it’s not needed.
All works fine, but how to replicate this for multiplayer? And where i need to paste “run on server” event?

It two words - i have actor that have “EquipMe” event. “EquipMe” event is a function on character. I cant add “Server-Please-Show-Replicated-Static-Mesh-Of-This-Weapon” custom event inside function, for some reason. So where i need to create it?)

Tips: all actors “replicated”, static meshes too.
Have tried to create “run on server” event inside weapon but no, in game static mesh didn’t appeared.

kk, testing:

If i just spawn weapon actor somewhere in the world and not attach it’s static mesh to character - it replicates (for both, client-server) without any other events.

If i try to get static mesh of this spawned weapon and attach it to actor - by the “add static mesh component, set static mesh etc.” it’s not replicates.

If i use “add static mesh component” => “set is replicated + ShouldReplicate” => set static mesh - it is not replicated… so i suppose replication on this component just make nothing

kk, more simple - if i spawn weapon actor and attach it to char - it replicates. But i don’t need this., i need to attach static mesh, not actor., also i think to make it with skeletal mesh wouldn’t be so easy)
Also i figured out that all controlled characters have default clothed, and it’s replicated. This way, maybe, static and skeletal meshes replicating, just don’t updating?

to be continued

same thing with skeletal mesh… character have body, replicated. If i set “TShirt skeletal Mesh” on it - it also not replicated in game.

And solved)
ty a lot for

@JagMaker can you elaborate? I have exact same problem (Add Static Mesh Component) does not replicates. My question: How to replicate Add Static Mesh Component? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Problem is that couple “add static mesh” + “set static mesh” not replicated. So, to get it around u can add empty static mesh to ur character and set it replicated. Then just set there any mesh u need, setup translation (XYZ, Scaling, etc.) with blueprints.