Quality Settings

Hey, i can’t set the game quality in editor mode and run time neither. Here is the BP about the shadow settings:

And there is an image about the level with epic quality settings:

With low quality settings:

On the images only the Post Processing changing and the others isn’t. I made a button for to get the current value of the shadows and the others and it’s write the correct Value what i set.

What should i do? What could to be the problem?


you may be setting variable somewhere uncorrectly what I can’t see.
Try to disconnect variable with shadow and set 0 in node. Then check if there is shadow.
If it works then you make mistake with setting variable somewhere.

The varrible value is correct (0,1,2,3) but i tried to based on your answer and isn’t worked. I think the problem is not in the BP because when i set the shadow quality or the others in editor mode is not working either.

Add print to end of execution to check if this is called (on click or however you are calling this event.)

I added an print string to the end of execution and the text of the print string is displayed when i click on the button.

Are you using dynamic shadows or precomputed? Make get shadow quality and print value.

I have forgot, sorry, make sure to call apreciate apply settings function.

Where can i see what kind of shadow am i use and hwere can i change this? If i get the shadow quality i get these value 0,1,2,3 depending which button (low, medium, high, epic) i pressed. The main problem is not with the apply button because i can’t set the game qualitiy like anti aliashing and more in editor mode neither not just in BP until run time.

Hey I got important question. Are you using static lightning or dynamic. If static it make sure to build lightning before testing.

What are your settings in editor (screen above)?

hey, where can i see which lightning am i use?

My all settings is epic currently.

Set to low and take a look if shadow disappear. By default you’re using static and it requires clicking build each time you changes something that affects light.

Click build and it should work

i tried but it’s didn’t work. When i set everything to low the game still looks like on my 3th image. From engine scalability settings i can change only the resolution scale and the post processing and the others isn’t working.

Did you tried clicking build?

yes i tried