VulkanMemory Out of Device Memory

Editor crashed during compiling shaders with log:

[2019.05.25-07.49.53:675][936]LogCore: === Critical error: ===
Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x00000000000017f0

[2019.05.25-07.49.53:676][936]LogCore: Assertion failed:  [File:/home/user/GameDev/UE4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp] [Line: 243] 
Out of Device Memory, Requested=4096.00Kb MemTypeIndex=7

My video card GTX960m, last version driver 430.14, laptop. How to make it work? Any ideas?

I actually got a Vulkan out of memory error myself, it happened when I hit the “Play” button in the editor, turns out it was because the shaders were still compiling. For me if I simply wait a bit for the shaders to finish compiling before hitting the “Play” button then it runs fine.

you can also try loading your project using the -opengl4 option:

~/source/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor ~/game/unreal/game01/game01.uproject -opengl4