Wheels work and dont work

I create 2 wheeled vehicle. First doesnt have any mesh wheels, only 5 bones.
This vehicle work fine. I create throttle input and add wheels in BP. And it work.

Then I get the same vehicle in Blender and add Mesh wheels, and append 2 new bones without wheels, like first time.
When I load Second Vehicle and create same Blueprint - my wheels dont collide and dont work like in First vehicle.
I try add wheels on another bones like in First BP, but result is nothing.

What we have?
We have vehicles worked only when you add 4 wheels. Doent matter if you have only One Bone, You must add 4 wheel.
If you dont add 4 wheels - it wont work in UE4.
If you create wehicle with 4 mesh wheels and you need this wehicle just stay on this wheels, you need to add other 1 bone for 4 whells who will push the vehicle.