Tutorial referencing missing 'collect' node?

Pretty simple and silly,. A tutorial on ‘making collect items and getting a speed boost’:

  1. It lists a ‘collect’ node in BP, but there seems to be no such thing in my (4.20) version of UE4,. It is based on the Advanced Vehicle Asset…

  2. it doesn’t even say how to make all the ‘variables’ or EVEN WHAT VARIABLE THE INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES ARE!

  3. It has (for the ‘Get Physics Target’ going into the ‘Type’ etc) these blue nodes, that seem to link ‘Target’ and ‘mesh’ I have never seen anmything like that in UE4 before,… ?


video: Creating Speed Boosts In The Unreal Engine 4 Advanced Vehicle Template - YouTube

No need to read rant: Why must they change BIG HUGE BASIC THINGS like a ‘COLLECT’ NODE,… > :slight_smile: The answer I get most often is ‘Go do a tutorial’, but whenever I do (WHICH IS DAILY I HAVE EVERY ‘PAY’ TUTORIAL) , I find MOST are USELESS because they are all outdated with bad info, AND WHEN YOU ARE NEW, YOU NEED PERFECT INFO NOT COMPLETELY WRONG AND BAD INFO, that gets you turned around and things that should take one minute, end up taking days, even weeks … :o

Why must they change BIG HUGE BASIC

Who is they? There’s no such thing as collect node. It’s something defined in another blueprint… You write a function / event in one blueprint, populate inputs and outputs and call it in another.

Hi Thank You very much for responding! It’s only a 45 second video,… Clearly you can see what is missing,. Perhaps you could fill in the blanks on how to do what you mention above? I know it is all very familiar to you, (and I know what they are, I have probably done the same thing in other BP’s a hundred times, but with THIS I have no idea what to do,… specifically…???, Never linked to a BP, or anything like this,. This is the ONLY tut I could find that is relevant,. :slight_smile:

I only see one blueprint in his video,. I don’t know how or what I would be linking? Just the ‘vehicle BP?’
I am working in the Ue4 ‘advanced vehicle’ trying to learn. I’d give ANYTHING for a good tutorial that is not 45 seconds with no speaking! :slight_smile:

If you would be willing to help,… with some details or even STEPS!! I will do my part and combine his info and your info and make a new video for people with the same questions! :slight_smile: I have thousands of subscribers on Youtube and more every day,… (as a 25+ year Hollywood Character Animator / Visual FX Artist,. not ‘UE4 guy’ I am trying to ADD that skill.

This is where my BP is at so far,.

I think it looks like he has TOO MANY components in the video BP ? and not all are used? VERY CONFUSING? Especially if one doesn’t know what ones SHOULD be there or how to ‘make them’,. :slight_smile:
I am YEARS into the pay tutorials and books and videos, none of them EVER help with stuff like this, I don’t even know what half the things are called to ASK! :slight_smile:

I completely miss the point you’re trying to make. You want to make a video about functions? There are hundreds of those already out there as they are one of the most fundamental elements of any programming language. How can you even make a tutorial with no VO, perhaps you mean subtitles for the hearing impaired? That would actually be a good idea.

However, the official documentation covers functions in great detail, too:


There is nothing I could add to this. You actually use functions already in the attached image.

I am YEARS into the pay tutorials and
books and videos, none of them EVER
help with stuff like this

What is stuff like that? What is supposed to happen? You said you’re using the advanced vehicle template, right? And you mentioned collecting something - a statue? You want the car to drive over a pick up and collect it? What is the pick up item and what is supposed to happen then?

Also, in the blueprint you attached, you destroy the actor and then try to access its components. This obviously will not work since you destroy the actor.

I think what the OP is saying is he watched a tutorial and can’t figure anything out in the 45 sec video to be able to re-create the thing himself. The main issue I see here is, that video isn’t a “tutorial” it is more of a show off with a scroll through of an overlap event that attempts to increase the physics linear velocity. The “tutorial” as well as the OP’s implementation (unsurprisingly since it is based off a very poor video) is flawed because it places a “destroy” actor before the nodes to increase the physics linear velocity. As such, none of that will get executed. The “collect” node also isn’t a UE4 standard node it is a custom function that this “tutorial” did nothing to explain because as I mentioned before it is NOT a real tutorial.The OP then stated they would like your help to clarify this situation so that they could then make their own tutorial to help others who may encounter this same situation. My advice to the OP, stop paying for tutorials…there are plenty of free tutorials on YouTube to teach you the basics without having to pay. If you don’t like the tutor move on to a new one, no money lost. If you want some free tutorials that will teach you the basics of functions you can check out video #6 and 10 in the link below. If you also want to see how to create “collectible” items you can watch video #9. These should give you a good foundation to implement the kinds of things you want in your racer game.