UProperty not reflecting in editor?

So I’ve just started to dig into programming with UE4, following along with the beginner tutorials and guides.

I’ve created an empty Actor derived class called TestActor (ATestActor), overridden the BeginPlay method and added an int32 property marked with UPROPERTY(…)

However, when building the source code and placing the Actor in the level the property does not appear in the details panel for the placed actor. The BeginPlay function works as it should when playing the game.

I’ve tried restarting the editor, rebuilding in both VS2013 and the Unreal Editor, changing the flags in the UPROPERTY declaration, and nothing has allowed it to appear in the details panel.

Is there something i’m missing, or not understanding correctly about how UProperties work?


class PROTO_API ATestActor : public AActor

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Test")
	int32 TestNumber;

	virtual void BeginPlay() override;


Solved. Properties MUST be declared with a value in the constructor of the class before they’ll appear in the editor.

I feel like this should be written somewhere in the wiki…

I have several variables that I don’t declare in the constructor but have them in the blue print. However, I use this method:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Test")

Integer values usually default to 0 unless you set them to something else.