Unreal Editor failing to laod

While trying to load the editor up from the Unreal Launcher I get this error.



Am I missing something very simple here? Version 4.19.2 works fine but anything after seems to have this same problem.

make sure your graphics card driver is up to date and then try again. if your project still isn’t loading just restart your PC and try again. if it still won’t load then I have no idea :smiley:

Unfortunately that didn’t work :frowning: But thank you for reminding me to update my graphics card :slight_smile:

I’m only 4.21 so I’m not sure if this code snippet is still accurate, but ModuleManager.cpp (Line 373) where it appears your crash is happening is:

IModuleInterface* FModuleManager::LoadModuleWithFailureReason(const FName InModuleName, EModuleLoadResult& OutFailureReason)
#if 0
	ensureMsgf(IsInGameThread(), TEXT("ModuleManager: Attempting to load '%s' outside the main thread.  Please call LoadModule on the main/game thread only.  You can use GetModule or GetModuleChecked instead, those are safe to call outside the game thread."), *InModuleName.ToString());

I’m assuming that Unreal is attempting to open a project of yours when this happens. Does your project include any plugins or do any manual module loading?

As far as I know I have 0 plugins and I’m not manual module loading, I did check :slight_smile:

Silly question though, I can’t find the modulemanager.cpp I’m not sure if I’m looking in the wrong places or maybe its missing?

Hmm I’m using Visual Assist with Visual Studio so it might be the reason I can find it. The path should be something like: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.22\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Modules\ModuleManager.cpp

Are you able to check the Unreal Editor logs (Or run it via Visual Studio and watch the debugging output)? If it crashing on that then the ensureMsgf should also be telling you the name of the module that it’s failing on.

Right I found the file (I was being stupid) and this is what is on line 373, it is within the function so I will post the function.

IModuleInterface& FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked( const FName InModuleName )
	IModuleInterface* Module = LoadModule(InModuleName);
	checkf(Module, TEXT("%s"), *InModuleName.ToString());

	return *Module;

Line 373 the one in question is the checkf line. Looking at it I have no idea if maybe something is amiss? Am I missing something? Sorry for the basic questions still learning.

That’s alright, so the main thing is that when the checkf fails, it should print out something to the logs (A module name or something I guess).

So my recommendation would be to see if you can find the Unreal logs for the crash. I can’t quite remember but they might be in the crash dump file, or in your project directory under Saved/ .

Alternatively you can download “Debug View” from Microsoft and use that to view the output while the logs in real-time.