Linker error when adding variable to Character Class

I’ve set up a basic character class and derived a blueprint from it. Everything works correctly until I try to create a new variable in the character class.

Adding just a single float property in the CPP class creates a LINK2019 linker error and even after I go back and delete the variable, compiling again still leaves the linker error.

Is it not possible to add variables to a parent class after a derived blueprint is created? Is it an error on the 4.22 version of Unreal?

Can you paste full linker error here?

It’s definitely possible to add variables to a parent class after a derived blueprint is created.
Can you provide a code sample from your .h file where you are trying to add a variable?

Just a educated guess, it might fail because you are only doing a partial rebuild,
and your normal build is a unity build (everything copied together), which might result in you not including all the necessary headers in all files, which only causes problems if that file is then compiled separately

I realized that the problem was when trying to import the 3rd Person Character Template. I just deleted the 3rd person C++ files from the source folder, since I only needed the mannequin. It worked, though I’m not sure why it happened.

I apologize for not adding the screenshot, I did not take one before I found how to fix it. I should’ve elaborated the question more, but it’s my first question here.