Is there documentation to better explain Input Axis & Action mappings?

hi my friends
ue4 has not a good document . i have problem always
i want to list of all input axis mappings and action mappings and i want to know what doing that ?

Do you want to set up Input events associated with keys, buttons or axis? You can do that in Edit tab > Project Settings > Engine > Input.

Here you have more information on this topic: Input Action And Axis Mappings In UE4 - Unreal Engine

i see ue4 tutorial video and into this video use MoveForward or TurnRate and etc . i want to learn and use all command but i dont know where i can learn it for example
please help me

I don’t know if I know what you mean, but for more info on each Input command of those you can type its name in the Unreal Engine Documentation searcher, which covers not only the docs but Unreal Wiki, Forums and AnswerHub. You will find tons of put-into-practice uses of the commands you mention there. Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation