GetSimple/ComplexPhysicsMaterial not always returned correctly

I’m playing around with physics and physics materials. From what I know, there are 3 possible ways to assign a physical material to my components doing it by

  • adding to the Static Mesh Component
    Collision Details as an override

  • adding to the material details

  • adding to a material instance

These 3 ways shown in image below:

Trying to get the assigned material from within C++ code of my Component as follows (removed any ensures etc…). Getting both, Simple and Complex.

FBodyInstance* TankBodyInstance = GetBodyInstance();
UPhysicalMaterial* SimplePMat = TankBodyInstance->GetSimplePhysicalMaterial();
TArray<UPhysicalMaterial*> ComplexPMatArray = TankBodyInstance->GetComplexPhysicalMaterials();

This only returns my correct PMAT_Track physical material, if I set this in the material details, as shown in the picture as second option.

DefaultPhysicalMaterial is returned in all other situations. Settings in Component collision details as override or within a material instance just seem to be ignored.

Anyone observing similar issues? It looks a bit inconsistent to me.