sqrMagnitude equivalent ue4 c++?


i am looking for the sqrMagnitude equivalent in ue4 c++ programming.

Description sqrMagnitude:

Returns the squared length of this vector (Read Only).
The magnitude of a vector v is calculated as Mathf.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(v, v)). However, the Sqrt calculation is quite complicated and takes longer to execute than the normal arithmetic operations. Calculating the squared magnitude instead of using the magnitude property is much faster - the calculation is basically the same only without the slow Sqrt call. If you are using magnitudes simply to compare distances, then you can just as well compare squared magnitudes against the squares of distances since the comparison will give the same result.

float sqrMag1 = (bone2.position - bone1.position).sqrMagnitude;


if someone knows the LookAt equivalent spontaneous, that would be nice too :wink:

thx for help

Squared length? Then you probably looking for this function then inside the vector

As for look at there implementation for blueprint in UKismetMathLibarary:

Generally if you want look at vector all you need to so is subtract those vector creating distance vector and then you can check rotation of that vector, it will give you rotation toward 2nd vector. The function above have proper implementation using rotation matrix:

FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(Target - Start).Rotator()

Target and Start are vectors

Wow, thanks. How did you find them so fast. I’ll try them out.

API reference :stuck_out_tongue: