Enemy weapon messing up camera angle when too close


I am trying to use the Sevarog character from the Paragon assets and I have a slight problem. When the player gets close to him, the camera suddenly zooms in as if there was an obstacle in the middle that prevent the camera from looking from far away. I made a small video to illustrate it :

My guess is that the character's weapon which is really big messes up the camera. One way to "fix" it is to make Sevarog character's capsule much bigger thus preventing the player from being to close. However that's not a good solution as it makes Sevarog much easier to hit and creates this weird invisible forcefield around him the player can't enter.

Is there a setting I can tweak to prevent Sevarog (or at least its weapon) from messing with the camera ? How would you go about fixing these kind of issues ?

Thanks a lot for any help you can provide :smiley:

Have a look at the springarm, there’s a collision probe on it. You can disable it.

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[TL;DR : Spring Arm Component → Camera Collision ->Probe Channel set to “Visibility” might fix it.]

I cannot disable it because I want to keep the current behaviour of the camera (which is not to see through walls). I did change the “Probe Channel” in the Camera Collision part of my Spring Arm Component from “Camera” to “Visibility” to see if this would make a difference and it did ! It looks like with the “Visiblity” setting the issue doesn’t occur anymore and I still have the same behaviour to not have the camera getting through walls. I’m not sure what this setting changes and what the other settings could do. I hope it doesn’t have side effects I don’t realize right now. Will do some more testing. Thanks for your help !

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Ah, good thinking! It’s not uncommon to see people write their brand new camera collision system as the one supplied is somewhat simplistic if perfectly usable in certain games.