Loading a previously unloaded level crashes iOS

I am making a puzzle game using strictly Blueprint scripting and I am also using level streaming where my levels types are as follows: Loading Level (Persistent), Difficulty Level (holds board type), and then the Difficulty Number Level (holds the player pieces and obstacles). When the player dies, I unload and then reload the current Difficulty Number Level while leaving the Difficulty Level. When reloading any level I previously unloaded, the app crashes. This works on the computer so I don’t know what I could be doing wrong. Is there some kind of limitation on streaming levels on mobile devices that I can’t find on the internet? I also cast to the game instance, the player controller, and the game mode on the Difficulty Number Level’s Event Begin Play, so I don’t know if any of that also conflicts with mobile development.

I got it working! All I had to do was turn on Async Loading in the Project settings. Hope this helps someone! ,