Dynamically spawned actors aren't scaled correclty

I imported an asset which ended up being very small (I know I could re-size and re-import but I want to know all my options).

I corrected this by putting it into a blueprint and scaling its transform. Now when I drag it into the scene it is the correct scale.

However, when I spawn this blueprint at runtime (using Spawn Actor From class) the thing is tiny again.
What am I doing wrong?

EDIT - this is where I’m scaling it, in the components part of the class blueprint.

can you give a sceenshot of blueprint?

This doesn’t answer your question but just as word of warning about scaling to save you the pain I went through, if you’re going to use the asset as a physics object or a trigger in some way, scaling it in the blueprint components causes all sorts of problems i.e. if it’s a trigger you’ll find that it still uses the original scale for collisions causing great confusion when it looks like your collision isn’t working when technically it is, you’re best off getting the scale correct in your modelling app and reimporting.

That’s a very very useful thing to know nonetheless. thank you!

SavageBeasty to rectify that use a say box component to tigger an event instead of mesh collision and parent the mesh to box, that way you can scale mesh in components tab to fit added trigger bound

Ow I went through this :smiley: you can’t scale the root or transform or rotate it, where your current root is the “hex” mesh you need to add a scene component and call it root, the add a static mesh component with “hex”, you may have to remake the blueprint this way

ah ok, good knowledge, let me try it now. Strange though because it works if I simply drag it into the scene.

Let us know if it works

Wow OK, super newbie question, is a scene component like an empty game object in unity? like an empty transform? How do I add one? thanks!

Didn’t use unity much so can’t say. But yes I think so, it’s kind of a reference point for all transformation, rotations and scales to be applied to children components. So in an empty actor blueprint you have a empty root component, from drop down list type scene and select it, then name it e.g. Root, the add static mesh components for your hex and trees (which automatically become children of root)

Yep that did it! thank you so much! Just FYI I didn’t have to remake the blueprint, you can just drag anything onto the root and it makes it the new root. simple! Man I love UE4! Goodbye Unity, it was fun…

@bennertherwood - the problem I had was having a trigger volume in the component setup which is fine, the problem comes when you want to resize the trigger volume when it’s placed in a level the scaling doesn’t work.