Editor Extension - Creation delegate not called

I tried to build an editor viewport for a custom asset, I have previously built one for a text asset no problem but for some reason while following the same rules unreal refuses to create my extender. I have been cracking at this for 2 whole days and I have seen various examples but I still cannot explain what is causing this.

I thought all I had to do was register the RegisterTabSpawners
I would simply like to know if possible what I am doing wrong or if I can somehow draw it without waiting for the editor.

in the initialize function

class MMEDITOR_API FMotionSetEditorToolkit : public FAssetEditorToolkit, public FEditorUndoClient, public FGCObject

 /// Registers the view port and details panel
 void FMotionSetEditorToolkit::RegisterTabSpawners(const TSharedRef<FTabManager>& InTabManager)
     WorkspaceMenuCategory = InTabManager->AddLocalWorkspaceMenuCategory(LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_MotionSetEditor", "MotionSet Editor"));
     auto WorkspaceMenuCategoryRef = WorkspaceMenuCategory.ToSharedRef();
     InTabManager->RegisterTabSpawner(MotionSetEditor::Tabs::ViewportID, FOnSpawnTab::CreateSP(this, &FMotionSetEditorToolkit::SpawnTab_Viewport))
         .SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("ViewportTab", "Viewport"))
         .SetIcon(FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "LevelEditor.Tabs.Viewports"));

void FMotionSetEditorToolkit::Initialize(UMotionSet* InMotionSet, const EToolkitMode::Type InMode, const TSharedPtr& InToolkitHost)

	// Initialize the asset editor and spawn nothing (dummy layout)
		Layout, // The Slate us we created above
		true /*bCreateDefaultStandaloneMenu*/,
		true /*bCreateDefaultToolbar*/,

        //////////MANUALLY DRAW HERE???//////////////


I tried this but got an unrecognized view tab

     //////////MANUALLY DRAW HERE???//////////////
	const FSpawnTabArgs* Dummy = nullptr;

The FSpawnTabArgs is not used by the spawner
It seams i need to send my return value somewhere

    /// Draws view port and time line for tags/events
    TSharedRef<SDockTab> FMotionSetEditorToolkit::SpawnViewport(const FSpawnTabArgs& Args) //, FName TabIdentifier)
    	ViewInputMin = 0.0f;
    	ViewInputMax = GetTotalSequenceLength();
    	LastObservedSequenceLength = ViewInputMax;
    	//TSharedPtr<FMotionSetEditorToolkit> MotionSetEditorPtr = SharedThis(this);
    	TSharedRef<SWidget> ScrubControl = SNew(SScrubControlPanel)
    		.Value(this, &FMotionSetEditorToolkit::GetPlaybackPosition)
    		.NumOfKeys(this, &FMotionSetEditorToolkit::GetTotalFrameCountPlusOne)
    		.SequenceLength(this, &FMotionSetEditorToolkit::GetTotalSequenceLength)
    		.OnValueChanged(this, &FMotionSetEditorToolkit::SetPlaybackPosition)
    		// .Visibility(EVisibility::Collapsed);
    	return SNew(SDockTab)
    		.Label(LOCTEXT("ViewportTab_Title", "Viewport"))
    			+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
    			+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
    			.Padding(0, 8, 0, 0)
    				SAssignNew(TagTimelineBoxPtr, SVerticalBox)  //TagTimelineBoxPtr   //.ToSharedRef()
    			+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
    			.Padding(0, 8, 0, 0)