A crash occurred in the PhysAnim. cpp file

A crash occurred in the PhysAnim. cpp file at line 590 :const FTransform BoneTransform = InSpaceBases[BoneIndex] * CurrentLocalToWorld; InSpaceBases passed in from this function
UpdateKinematicBonesToAnim(GetEditableComponentSpaceTransforms(), ETeleportType::None, true) of the file SkeletalMeshComponent.cpp。。
In PhysAnim. cpp, line 559, it used NumComponentSpaceTransforms = GetNumComponentSpaceTransforms();
then at line 582, it used to check the length of InSpaceBases.Sometimes InSpaceBases is empty, it means SkeletalMeshComponent.GetEditableComponentSpaceTransforms() is empty and SkeletalMeshComponent.GetNumComponentSpaceTransforms() is not.

Hey !
We get this error also…
were you able to solve this ?