Player can't go through door in top-down game

Hey guys, I’m facing a problem.
I wanted to make a project based on the “Top-Down” template. It’s based on the Hamiltonian Path Problem
In the game the player has to somehow reach through doors from one corner to the other (Not explaining the boring large bunch of useless info) across each and every room
once the player reaches a room through a particular door, it gets locked and he can’t use the same door again to exit the room. I change the Door’s Material to show it to the player. The doors open vertically upwards and downwards. I’ve used Timelines for that. Now something’s Troubling me. Even if the door is opened the player can’t go through the door, due to some collision issues. If I change the collision presets other than default then the door is useless. Please help and revert back with a solution.
This is the Door’s Blueprint. Collision Presets - Default.

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Maybe you are only moving mesh of door not collision component with it.

Hi guys I think I know what’s happening here. I tried making a vertical door like you, always worked for me in other templates but top down is different. You are not able to go through the door once they are opened because in top down template nav mesh is used to move around (with mouse click). So once the door is open you still can’t go there because nav mesh didn’t cover this area when the game started. (Screen 1)
Right now your nav mesh recast is set to static so it doesn’t update once the game has started. All you have to do is select you recast nav mesh and go to details panel and change Runtime Generation to Dynamic (Screen 2).

This can be a bit tricky when you have Generation set to static and when you move stuff around in editor it does generate the path.

Hope this helps out, worked for me. I didn’t play with collisions at all just moved the door out of my way.


This is my script. The door is just an actor with box collision and static mesh (modified 1M_Cube_Chamfer)

I don’t think it is related to the collision box if at all.

Thank You very much!
May I ask what have you used the lerp vector for?

To move the door smoothly between start and end using the timeline value.

Hey There! I have started to face yet another problem. now I can’t move at certain places of my game. usually the far off places. it is shown in the ss. the player doesn’t move anywhere here. but can move everywhere else at the back. please help.