Making open world game

Guys i’m making an online open world game which is in a city (simulation of a real city) so there is a lot of buildings , and i just realized that each material element takes 1 draw call, my problem is with the windows , the body of building it self usually takes 2 material and with the mesh it self it will be 3 , and each building has 2 types of windows at least , so if i want to make them out of texture it would be 2 draw calls for windows as well , and if i make the windows out of polyguns there is again 2 materials (one for the frame and one for the glass) maybe i’m looking at it in a wrong way , any suggestions ?

You could make atlas materials. Check Online Learning tab in UE4. Course called
Getting Started in Unreal Engine: Lesson Static Meshes.
here is the video [link][1]


Hey @ezel3050,

Could hierarchical instanced static meshes be your solution?
