Rotating actor with timeline flips strange

i prepared difference between rotation value of chair and actor,
like when the chair’s rotation is -170,and actor rotation is 20, the minused value will be 190, so i set difference value 170 and let it to be added to actor rotation. i suppose the actor rotation will be 190, which has same meaning of -170.

without timeline node, it works fine.

but if i connected timeline node to let actor turns backwards to chair,
actor flipps strangely and its rotation is not correct.

here is my blueprint and inside of timeline node.

if someone noticed something, i wish to get advice.

It’s not completely clear, but its seems that you’re double interpolating things. Have a look at this post, especially the bit about preparing data for the timeline:

Essentially, store rotation values in variables before you start the Timeline, and use Lerp Rotators. Alpha of the timeline should be the only variable in there.

Thank you Everyone for replying. And thank you for the details advice,
I will read the page well.
I tried Lerp node and with alpha , but it was same consequence.

Can you show a screenshot of the new setup?

I will try to use add rotation node. I have not tried yet I will post in this weekend.
maybe in the case which actor turns more than 180 degree, the lerp node and set node can cause a problem.

could do. problem happened when i used “timeline” and “set actor rotation” and “lerp” with the rotation value over 180 degree.

I wonder why but i had to make the rotation value with tick node.
In every tick, get difference rotation value of chair and character, and branch it if its absolute is over 180 or not, and if so let plus it to “-360”,
then plus that value to current character rotation value and connect it to lerp node as B. A sould be current rotation value of character.

it worked but i wish to know why its so.

(its my character blue print. the white marked part is from chair blueprint.)

i tried that problem in simple object, it ended up same.