AIPerception loses sight after ReportDamageEvent


On my AIController with AIPerception-Component I’m going through the UpdatedActors Array of OnPerceptionUpdated and sending their Actors Perception “InfoLastSensedTimuli”-Array to a Function called “ProcessStimuli”:

In that function I run through a Switch for each Stimuli on the Index Values which are:

0 = Sight, 1 = Hearing, 2 = Damage

If the index is 0 (Sight) the Blackboard Variable “IsTargetVisible” is set to the “SenseSuccessfullySensed” bool.

If it is 1 (Hearing) or 2 (Damage) the Blackboard Variable “IsInvestigating” is set to “SenseSuccessfullySensed” and the Blackboard Variable “PointOfInterest” is set to the Location of the sensed Stimuli.

My Problem is when I call the ReportDamageEvent the “SenseSuccessfullySensed” Bool on the SightSense gets switched to False, so the BB-Variable “IsTargetVisible” also gets switched to False even when the Target is in Sight.

I want “IsTargetVisible” to stay True while the target is in sight even when the Hearing or Damage Sense gets triggered.
The funny thing is that Hearing works absolutley how I want it to be. When ReportNoiseEvent is called, the “IsTargetVisible” Bool stays True.

So I’m guessing this might just be how these senses work. Is there anything I could do to achieve what I’m looking for?

Thank You!