Show widget once

Hey I am working on a project in the third person template and I have set the widgets up so when a player enters trigger box the dialogue will pop up on screen but what I would like to know is how can i make it so the text is different each time I enter that same trigger box. Any help would be appreciated.

Make function in your HUD, like ShowTextBox and HideTextBox, Show function would take Text input. On HUD layout you would put you text box and make it invisible by default, on Show function you set text and make box visible, on HIde function you hide the box. You could involve animation in to this too. Then all you need to do is make trigger box call those functions then player enters and hide it when he leaves the trigger box, best would be inf you make trigger box blueprint and make instance exposed text property in it, so you place it on level and set text for it. You could do this other way by making Hide time based.

In last ue4jam i did set up like that with animations:

Array of Text.
Shuffle on Beginplay.
On Overlap get Text at first or last index of array, set the widget text to that, and remove the same index. Now next time the overlap happens you get one of the other texts.

If you don’t want it to run out of texts then instead of removing, just increase a int variable by 1 each time, and when you Get from the array, Mod (%) by the Array length before the Get so if it goes over, it starts again from the beginning (or just reset it to zero when it gets as high as the length)