How does the SteamVR run automatically after Unreal package?

I have a CV1 and am making a game for Oculus.
And I want to sell the game in Steam.
I know how to package for Oculus Home.
However, I do not know how SteamVR can run automatically.
SteamVR runs automatically when you run all VR games on the Steam.
But the game I packaged doesn’t run SteamVR.
I’ve been searching for a while, but I couldn’t find a way to have SteamVR run automatically.
If you have a Vive, SteamVR might run automatically.
But I don’t have a Vive, I want to have SteamVR run automatically regardless of the type of headset.
I haven’t found a tutorial on the method.

Then disable Oculus plugin, the SteamVR alone will handle Oculus support. You could probably do that a lot better in C++.

Remember that SteamVR add a bit of overhead for Oculus as you use middleware via another middleware which SteamVR is

Thank you. I’ll try that.