Object reference variable casting failed

Hi guys, I am trying to get a reference from an actor on my level. Currently, I can only get a reference of an actor via collision and casting it. I found this object reference variable method however when trying to replicate, it always fails. In the screenshot, I am trying to spawn a cube and move it from its spawned location to the spawner bp’s despawn location. Please help, thank you.


The reason your cast is failing is that your BP_Test actor does not inherit from BP_TestSpawner so it will always fail.

What are you trying to do exactly?

Thanks for your response TorQueMoD. I am trying to get an object reference of the spawner. I have it figured out btw, have found a video referencing actor upon spawn.


Good stuff. Mostly I was asking what you’re trying to make with the entire setup, not just what you were trying to do at that moment. But glad you figured it out :slight_smile: