3p LookAtRotation Camera Stutter

This might be a simple question to answer but I can’t figure out where to start solving this issue.

I have a system where an actor is targeted and I want the camera to look at that actor.
What I did was use the 3rd person template, and in the character logic added:

void Tick(float DeltaTime)
       GetFollowCamera()->GetComponentLocation(), NearestActor->GetActorLocation()));

The problem is when the character is turned to face a different direction the camera stutters really bad.

I’m not sure what I did was the proper way to modify the camera rotation.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

I managed to fix this problem using this code in my Tick()

void Tick(float DeltaTime)
        GetFollowCamera()->GetComponentLocation(), NearestActor->GetActorLocation()));