Gameplay Ability System: Make Period Affected by Attribute?


I’m delving deep into the Gameplay Ability System provided by Unreal, and I had a question regarding the functionality of the system.

I wanted to create a “Health Regen” gameplay effect. Over time, the player would regenerate a certain fixed amount of health. However, the rate at which it’s called should be based on an attribute the player has: HealthRegenRate.

I’m aware that I can have a gameplay effect that’s set to “infinite” and adds to the player’s health using a scalar value, repeating it based on the “period” value. However, I want the period to be affected by the player’s HealthRegenRate attribute, but the period only accepts a scalar value or curve table. Is there any way to do this? Or am I doing this system all wrong?

If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this I’d be really grateful!