Pixel Perfect In Unreal?


I Know that Unreal Isn’t the best engine when it com to pixel art.

But It’s steel posible, I found this tutorial: [link text][1]

But I’m having trouble making this material:

Like where do I put it? On every single papersprite or In the post process volume?
How do I make that “Input World Position(Vector3)” node, or that “Output Position Offset” node?

Any tutorials that you recomend to help?

You only see inputs and outputs in ‘material functions’. Create a material function in the content browser… There you can add inputs and outputs.
Then put this new material function into every material, which you want to snap to your custom pixel grid, and plug it into world position offset.
“Pixels per unit” is a material collection parameter, you have to create a material collection in the content browser too.
A material collection is a global object, that is editable at runtime.
The reason its used in this image is, that so every material is affected by the same value, even if you change it in runtime.

An input node inside a material function can have an “peview”, which means, when you put it inside an material and left the specific pin unconnected it uses the defined preview. Here it uses the absolute world position, but you can overwrite it if you plug a custom vector into the slot.

Example usage:

Note: the two input nodes in the matertial function have “use preview value as default” activated, therefore you don’t need inputs as you can see in the final material

OK. Thanks a lot!