Set Actor hidden in game looses inputs on client side

So when i set an actor or object to be hidden in game, I loose all of its inputs. I have a simple rig that I am controlling through inputs. The server is doing all the work and sending the input data to the client to update the rig. The rig has a switch to hide or un-hide it. While the rig is not hidden in game I can control its inputs fine on both the server and the clients and it looks great, but when I hide the rig using the node Set Actor Hidden in game I loose the input data I was getting from the server. The server looks great when moving the rig around, but the client does not update. I can still see through the camera I have attached to the rig, so that still works, but the hidden rig does not move when I update its movements.

If anybody has any suggestions or ideas, that would be great


Instead of hiding the whole actor you could get the Mesh component on the actor and hide that instead? I don’t know if that will fix your problem, just a suggestion.

Also, in the defaults for the actor maybe you could tick the “always relevant” box under replication. I think that has more to do with distance than with if it’s hidden or not but it’s worth a shot.

Checking on always relevant seamed to work, thanks for the help