Why does disabling useless default plugins break packaging? / Visual Studio issues

At first, I am able to package to Win64 without any issues. If I then disable completely useless plugins that I do not use, such as SteamVR, Oculus, PhysX Car things, Alembic importer etc that have nothing to do with my project, I can no longer package anything because of this:


Installing Visual Studio 2017 Community, reinstalling it, downloading every possible SDK and package that is available with it still won’t let me package. If I then uninstall Visual Studio and everything that comes with it, copy my project files, make a new project and paste them in so that the disabled plugins are enabled again, I am able to package flawlessly even without Visual Studio at all. What’s up with this? I’ve been experimenting with what plugins to disable, and never touching anything packaging, baking, file related etc still does this.