Perlin Noise Function

I have been experimenting with procedural generation for a while now, and have been confused by a function that I found in Blueprints. Standard Perlin Noise returns one decimal value, regardless if it’s in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions, so why does the ‘Make Perlin Noise Vector and Remap’ function have a vector as the return type? Is it possible to use this vector as a way to get one meaningful value that I could use?

Thank you.

The code for those nodes look like this:

FVector UKismetAnimationLibrary::K2_MakePerlinNoiseVectorAndRemap(float X, float Y, float Z, float RangeOutMinX, float RangeOutMaxX, float RangeOutMinY, float RangeOutMaxY, float RangeOutMinZ, float RangeOutMaxZ)
	FVector OutVector;
	OutVector.X = K2_MakePerlinNoiseAndRemap(X, RangeOutMinX, RangeOutMaxX);
	OutVector.Y = K2_MakePerlinNoiseAndRemap(Y, RangeOutMinY, RangeOutMaxY);
	OutVector.Z = K2_MakePerlinNoiseAndRemap(Z, RangeOutMinZ, RangeOutMaxZ);
	return OutVector;

float UKismetAnimationLibrary::K2_MakePerlinNoiseAndRemap(float Value, float RangeOutMin, float RangeOutMax)
	// perlin noise output is always from [-1, 1]
	return FMath::GetMappedRangeValueClamped(FVector2D(-1.f, 1.f), FVector2D(RangeOutMin, RangeOutMax), FMath::PerlinNoise1D(Value));

So it generates 1D noise for each axis, so i think you need to mix axis whatever you want