What is the best way to go about creating a custom login?

I was thinking about ways to go about creating a custom login experience. My plan eventually is to have a website that you register an account on. Which will have a username and password created by the user. Then you can use that username and password to login to the game. Does anyone have any wisdom they could share with me on the best way of going about this? I have done some research but really can’t seem to find anything to help. Basically I would like to know how exactly this needs to be done. I thought I had a good idea but it seems that I do not. How can I go about getting a website together for a registration progress. Then use that registration for a login process for the game. I’m pretty sure this can be done by using the server system within the engine so I don’t have to go out and get a dedicated server/host or w/e. If you can think of something to help me that would be great.

I tried doing abit of integration with PlayFab but couldnt seem to understand it 100% Do you know any good documentation, tuts or could you explain it well yourself?

Hi!!!Well for sure you can use Playfab Registration System/Login for your game.So basically you create a login form on your website and from this website you directly create with backend system the login for your game.All backend will be on Playfab side and your custom data in ur database.+ Playfab has a free API and integration that u can use.