savegame.sav deleted on every launch


For an internship project, i’m creating a level where you drive a car through a scene and see how people react to differents events. I would like to record and use data back to make a ghost run like the precedent player (like a normal ghost in racing game).

I already make most of the work, with the save/load function and ghost working as wanted through editor (play button). However, since i’m using VR, the editor play doesn’t like to switch HMD on while playing in editor, so i am using the launch button. Everything works again, but when i’m lauching it again, the “savedgame” file with my .sav (ghost data) is deleted on every launch…

it’s normaly located in ProjectName\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\ParkingSouterrain\Saved\SaveGames when using launch button, but the SaveGame one is deleted on every launch. Everything is made through blueprint.

i’m quite new to unreal, so every help is welcome ^^, thx again