Missing flow control options?

I recently downloaded UE 4.22, and based on looking at documentation and tutorials, seem to be missing some of the flow control options, making it pretty difficult for me to progress.

Here’s an image of the options I have for flow control. The list is the same when “Context Sensitive” is unchecked as well.

Meanwhile, here’s what I found on Unreal’s documentation page:


I would appreciate any help on figuring out how I can solve this issue. I’ve tried creating different projects and blueprints to see if that’d help, but so far I’m pretty clueless on what’s causing the problem.

Thank you!

To be a little more specific, I have a
camera that rotates 360 degrees that I
want to – after a bit of a delay so
it can make a couple rotations – have
stop when it reaches a certain
rotation. I thought that using a while
loop might be the best way to go about

Does not sound like there’s the need for Tick + While Loop. I’d use a Timeline + Lerp for this - should provide you with plenty of granular control over all aspects of the rotation:

This will rotate by specific amount in degrees over specific period of time, both are adjustable.

This is implemented in the actor itself, so each camera can rotate on its own and is not dependent on the Level Blueprint. Level Blueprint can call the custom event and trigger the camera rotation, of course.

Coming back to the issue in question, if you right click in the Level Blueprint and search for Loop, does it show up?! If I start dragging from a float and try to flow control…


… my options are quite limited here. And rightly so as little else makes sense in this very context.

There’s more to context sensitive than meets the eye. It also depends in which graph you summon the right-click menu. For example, you cannot have a Delay node inside a function or Spawn Actor From Class in Construction Script.

If an option does not show up in a particular place, it generally means its use there would be invalid. There is a chance you’ve stumbled upon a bug, sure.

Perhaps you can tell where you’re trying to invoke this? Curious to see what can filter out For Loop.

edit: for reference


Flow control in Level Blueprint in 4.22

I’m trying to invoke a for loop in my level blueprint, within a custom event.

To be a little more specific, I have a camera that rotates 360 degrees that I want to – after a bit of a delay so it can make a couple rotations – have stop when it reaches a certain rotation. I thought that using a while loop might be the best way to go about that. Maybe Unreal is thrown off because that event is currently being called by the blueprint’s event tick?

However, my concern is that I can’t seem to pull up flow control options across the board. I’ve tried to pull it up in other contexts, such as other events in the level blueprint, the player controller script, and even when loading up some of the Unreal starter projects and checking blueprints in there.

Please let me know if there’s more information I can give to help. I’m a novice with Unreal and coding in general, so thank you for your understanding!

No worries, good luck with the rest!

Thanks so much for the advice for rotating the camera!

I’m not sure what prompted it, but this morning when I was going to boot up Unreal 4.22, it delayed my launch to take care of “prerequisites.” Since then, those options I was missing in flow control are now back when I clicked into the level blueprint, so I wonder if when I was installing it, there was some sort of hiccup? Either way… thanks for everything, Everynone! I appreciate your help with troubleshooting. :slight_smile: