Accessed None trying to read property Cast as Animation Blueprint

I finally had the basics of UE4 animation worked out, I even had some animation code working properly. Then my computer bluescreened, and when I got things working again, the code that was working fine is giving me this infernal Accessed None error.

Am I going to have to reconstruct ThirdPersonCharacter from my last backup? Or is there soem way to get this madness dealt with? And what’s with the “_C” at the end of the AnimClass?

Hello Pantaro,

Your screenshots are not working, try re-uploading them again. My advice is to go where the error is and delete the nodes/variables and re-creating them. I had the same issues when the engine/pc gave up, it all compiled nice but it wouldn’t work. I do not know the cause for this but I just recreated the variables and nodes (delete and get new one).

I reuploaded the screenshots. And I already have deleted the nodes and variables and recreating them. In fact, I recreated the whole Animation Blueprint being referenced.

Thank you for re-uploading the images. What does the error log say, normally you can just click on it and will take you to the place where things go wrong. Somewhere along the way the reference is not being set or you trying to access it before it was set. If you have a backup that you could use, that of course would be the easiest way to fix it.

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property K2_Node_DynamicCast_As_Cutron_Anime_Blue_Redux”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph ThirdPersonCharacter Graph: EventGraph Node: Set KnifeShotReady?

And it’s probably the former, the reference not being set. I have the CastTo linked to an Event BeginPlay.

Try connecting the cast success to the Knife Shot Ready.

Nothing happened.

Okay, I got everything fixed up. I forgot to set the AnimClass on ThirdPersonCharacter in the level itself. Now hopefully I won’t have to do this again if Driver IRQL feels like giving me his sassafras.