When Max Angular Velocity is low, Amount of torque needed is crazy high

So I have created a “Tank” with 18 wheels on either side. The Wheels are held onto the tank body with physics constraints. There is no suspension and the constraints are set to “Locked” in the Linear limits. But Angular limits are set so that only twist motion is free while the swing 1 and swing 2 motion are set to “locked”. So the wheels then only rotate like real wheels should. The issue is when I try to make them turn. I add Torque In local space and set “Max Angular Velocity” To 22.9 (which is the max speed I want to use.) When I Simulate this it moves forwards but I have very little torque even though I have my torque amount set to around 89.8 Zillion (Literally). But when I set “Max Angular Velocity” to something like 500 The tank is able to crawl over obstacles and turn using skid steering. When I check “Accel Change” It has no movement what so ever. I need the Torque and speed to be as realistic as possible. Is there a Realistic way to simulate this? Or is there a better way to simulate tank tracks like this?

as you likely know, imitating real-word physics would likely be easier and a LOT more performance-efficient… but I guess you are aiming for something approaching physically realistic.

… maybe you have considered other elements of real-world physics that might come into your scenario, such as mass and friction between the wheels and landscape, using something like a Physics Material on both.

the wheels have low mass and friction. I created a custom Physics Material As well. The only thing that changed the behavior was changing the inertia tensor scale from 1,1,1 to 2,2,2. that gave me much more torque. thanks for your help!

the wheels have low mass and friction. I created a custom Physics Material As well. The only thing that changed the behavior was changing the inertia tensor scale from 1,1,1 to 2,2,2. that gave me much more torque. thanks for your help though!