Why is Easy Anti Cheat Trash

If your going to Use Easy Anti Cheat for your Game i suggest not to. Reasons - For some odd reason any game that has Easy Anti Cheat will not load the game properly nor will it Repair unless you delete the Files from your game and then Restart your PC then repair. EAC is the worst, ive tried everything to fix it but the only thing that does work is Restarting your PC. To add once you restart your PC then play the game with EAC and close the game it will do the Same thing and you must Repeat the Restart process. Unreal i would stop giving them Licenses. I hope EAC goes down really hard, i mean where they cant recover. i have like 7 games that use EAC cant even play them, and im really tired of it. Before you ask yes ive contacted them and they told me “Just Restart your PC then” every time i want to play, Forget that. So if anyone has any ideas how to fix this problem with out restarting my PC every time i want to play a game that has EAC im all ears.

This is what im talking about, these are a few games that i had installed on my PC

I get a Negative but no Answer on how to Fix it

Well i found away to fix this Garbage of a Anti Cheat myself even tho i got a Negative on it
This what you do what ever game that has EAC on it and it dont load Error 10011 you right click the game go to Properties/LocalFiles/BrowseLocalFiles inside the Game Files open Easy Anti Cheat Folder inside there is a EasyAntiCheatSetup.exe double click then Repair. after that Restart Steam it should work then but if it dont Repair shut down steam restart the Repair again then Play

Update If you use AVG that will stop it also