What would be the best way to add character traits to the character AI system?

I’m currently working in an internship, and my team is creating a video game using UE4.

Our game centers around multiple characters in a colony creation type game. Each character is randomly assigned specific personality traits that will affect what actions they choose to do in present situations. We are trying to run a prototype where we’ve assigned certain personality traits to our characters, and let them run loose in a sandbox simulator (the point being to see if we’ve assigned traits in a way that won’t wreak too much havoc - for example, if we’ve set the “neurotic” personality too strong and we create too many murderers).

I believe that in UE4, characters that operate like this must use an AI. How exactly would I input these traits into an AI system?

The issue is that my team and I are novices with UE4 and have no idea where to begin. If anyone could give some pointers for operating the blueprints or AI system - or even pointing me to a helpful tutorial - that’s all I need! If I didn’t explain this problem well enough, please let me know and I can explain it further.